Home > Company Info > Standards information > 沙烏地阿拉伯插頭插座標準SASO2203,SASO2204或SASO443,凡不符合上述標準的進口插頭、插座將一律禁止入關。


沙特阿拉伯SASO2203,SASO2204, SASO443的插头插座量规:http://www.cestr.com/cn/product/show.asp?id=287; http://www.cestr.com.cn/html/cn/pro/chatouchazuolianggui/
沙特阿拉伯SASO2203,SASO2204, SASO443的插头插座测试设备:http://www.cestr.com/cn/product/show.asp?id=278;
沙烏地阿拉伯標準委員會(SASO)於2010年1月5日、6日,在首都利雅得總部舉辦了為期兩天的研討會,會上宣佈將不再推遲插頭、插座標準的實施日期,並正式規定自2010年2月23日起,所有在沙特市場銷售的電氣產品插頭插座部分必須符合沙特標準:SASO 2203,SASO 2204或SASO 443。凡不符合上述標準的進口插頭、插座將一律禁止入關。
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia authorities reiterate their resolve to implement plug and socket-outlet standards.
Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) organized a workshop at their headquarters in Riyadh on January 05 – 06, 2010, during which it was announced that the implementation of plug and socket-outlet standards will not be delayed any further. After February 23, 2010, shipments of plugs and socket-outlets which do not comply with Saudi standards (SASO 2203, SASO 2204, SASO 443) will be rejected at Saudi customs ports
After had a double confirmation with Intertek RLC3 in the morning, we get the below conclusion:
如果相關產品, 客人提供的是BS1363, UL498的測試報告或證書,出口沙特前夕都必須對應 SASO 2203 或 SASO 2204做相關差異測試以符合沙特最新要求. 否則, 貨物到沙特港口時,都會被沙特海關要求加做相關差異測試.
Martin Ma of Component team knows the standard of SASO 2203, SASO 2204 very well, any relative tech. question, please consult him.

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