Home > Company Info > Standards information > UL62-2010/UL758-2010/UL1581-2011/UL2556-2013/UL94-2013/IEC60799-1998/IEC60320-2007/IEC60884-2006/AS/NZS3112/ EN50525/SASO2203中文版标准下载

UL62-2010/UL758-2010/UL1581-2011/UL2556-2013/UL94-2013/IEC60799-1998/IEC60320-2007/IEC60884-2006/AS/NZS3112/ EN50525/SASO2203中文版标准下载

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Warm congratulations UL ( Taiwan ) LAB to CESTR ordered IE 60884-1:2013, VDE 0620-1:2013, EN50075-1990, DS 60884-2-D1:2011, IEC 60320-1:2007, IEC 60320-2-2:1998 standards full set of test equipments and gauges. More: http://www.cestr.com/en/news/show.asp?id=221

The world's plug and socket gauges: http://www.cestr.com/cn/product/index.asp?classid=29; http://www.cestr.com.cn/html/cn/pro/chatouchazuolianggui/

North America UL498-2012/CSA 22.2 No42 Gauges for plugs and sockets

North America UL498-2012/CSA 22.2 No42 Gauges for minimum and maximum withdrawal force

Denmark DS 60884-2-D1: 2011 Gauges for plugs and sockets

South AfricaSABSSANS 164-1/SANS 164-2/SANS 164-3/SANS 164-4/SANS 164-5/SANS 164-6 Gauges for plugs and sockets

South Africa plug and socket dimension gaugeSABS 164

南非插头插座尺寸量规(SABS 164

依照SABS 164标准要求,选用优质模具钢材经精密机械设备制作。量规可以代校验


According to the SABS 164 standard requests, selects the high quality molding tool steel, by precision machinery processing equipment manufacture. The gauge can agent calibration.

The photo is South Africa 6A/16A plug dimension “GO” gauges


The photo is India 6A/16A plug dimension “GO” gauges


The gauge accordance with BS1363 standard used to measure the UK plug and socket dimension, and selection of high quality mold steel produced by precision machinery equipment processing.  

The gauge can also agent of calibration.



IEC 60320 Appliances couplers dimension gaugeIEC/EN 60320,GB17465



完整清单查看: http://www.cestr.com/cn/product/show.asp?id=273



UL62-2010中文版-Flexible Cords and Cables软线和置线

UL758-2010中文版-Appliance Wiring Material电器线电线电缆及其试验方法

UL1581-2011中文版Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables, and Flexible Cords电线电缆和软线参考标准

UL2556-2011中文版Wire and Cable Test Methods电线和电缆的试验方法

UL94-2013中文版-设备和器具部件材料的燃性能试验Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances


IEC60320.1~2-2007&GB17465.1~2-2009中文版-家用和类似用途器具耦合器 1~2部分

IEC60884.1-2006&GB2099.1-2008中文版-家用和类似用途插头插座 1部分


BS1363-2012标准变更内容详细Specific implications for fused plugs

AS/NZS 3112:2011/Amdt 1:2012AS/NZS 3112:2012)认可和测试规范-插头和插座

EN50525-2011 (VDE 0285-525-2011) 额定电压450 /750V及以下的电线试验方法

SASO2203-2003SASO2204-2003SASO 443-2003中文版-沙特阿拉伯插头插座标准

    [ Previous: GB/T 28509-2012 Ultrafine coaxial cables with insulation diameter below 1mm and cable assemblies ]
    [ Next: UL电线电缆型号表示法,UL电线型号印字说明UL62-2010,UL1581-2011,UL2556-2011, UL1666, UL910 ]